So your computer has been infected with adware. Don't worry you are not alone. Studies have shown that nearly 90% of computers have some kind of adware installed on their hard drive. Many people are not aware of the fact their computer has adware. Others are aware but unfortunately do not have an effective enough adware cleaner to remove all traces of it. There is a lot you need to know before acquiring an adware cleaner and I will help you choose the best one for you.

Adware is advertising supported software installed on your system. Typically your computer becomes infected with adware when you install a particular program with adware attached to it. The majority of these programs are free or low cost. Even low priced and free software requires cash to create. In order to recoup development costs companies pay the supplier to install advertisements inside the program. These often come in the form of pop up ads trying to get you to buy something.

These ads can slow down your computer, interrupt your web surfing experience, and worse yet steal confidential information (including credit card numbers and passwords). Whether you are certain you have adware or not it is smart to keep yourself protected. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing internet crimes and adware type programs are often the culprit.

Now the question is, with so many options how do you decide which adware remover is right for you. First a warning regarding free adware cleaners. Many of these are often adware infesting programs posing as adware removers! Be very careful when installing any free adware removal software.

Secondly because the programs are free they often do not employ a staff that will regularly update the software to fight new adware threats. Adware cleaners are able to recognize malignant files because of their threat database. If the database is not updated you will not be protected against the latest adware viruses.

There are many features to look for in your adware cleaner. Detection, removal, and prevention are the hallmarks of a great adware removal program. I have created a website Spyware Fix, that details the features of the best programs on the net. Have a look and see the program I consider the #1 adware cleaner available today!

Click Here for Best Adware Cleaners

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